Seasoned Fitness Instructors...
Get the Step-by-Step System to Make Money WITHOUT Teaching More Classes or Burning Out!
Jessica has taught dance and fitness for over 20 years, starting with ballet, jazz, and hip hop. She got into Zumba, Aqua, and Cycle after becoming a mom. With 3 kids and a husband, she struggled to make more than a few hundred dollars a month despite teaching a bazillion classes and considered getting 'a real job.'
She then created the Money Making Formula, earning her first $10K online without adding classes. She kept going until she grew her business to 6-figures. Now, she helps other seasoned & passionate fitness instructors do the same, so they can keep doing what they LOVE while earning what they DESERVE.
Free Guide
Unlock the 5 simple steps that seasoned fitness instructors are using to make extra income—without teaching more classes or posing on social media!
Free master class
Discover the exact strategies to break free from over-teaching and finally hit income you DESERVE. In just 60 minutes, you’ll learn how to level up to BOSS status.
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Let’s dive into your unique journey. Book a free call and uncover how you can start making real money, no matter where you’re at today.
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"It's where Professionals go to be better Professionals!."